den manglende kortfunktion i Legacy

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Redaktører: Testere, Oversættergruppe

Indlæg: 135
Tilmeldt: tirs 04-10-2005 21:58
Geografisk sted: Sæby

den manglende kortfunktion i Legacy

Indlægaf halmholt » fre 26-08-2022 21:46

Jeg blev så frustreret over manglende kort i Legacy, at jeg skrev direkte til min guru, Geoff Rasmussen i håb om at få en forklaring og lidt nyt. Jeg skrev det følgende :

Dear Geoff
I know you from your numerous webinar and instruction disks and therefore I start with a Dear Geoff. For more than 15 years I have been using Legacy for all my research and rely on you and all your technical staff for maintaining this wonderful software. When I started with version 6, it was all very exciting and somewhat difficult. Later versions 7, 8 and 9 were eagerly expected and taken to use in my little group of amateur genealogists. Lately the former excitement has changed to anxiety, when the software was bought by Myheritage and even more when the mapping function disappeared . I love and use Myheritage for its DNA-program. We understood when Myheritage bought LFT ,that you and your colleagues no longer would be doing administration, thereby giving you more time working on the software.
I have tried to read the many posts in the LFT Forum regarding the missing map and I understand that there are many frustrated users . I also understand that it is very complicated to get a digital map to work inside LFT.
I know several users who are searching for an alternative to LFT . They argue that the promised version 10 will be the last and then many users will stop using the program.
I could live happily with my version 9 , if a mapping function could be made available. Please -please

Hoping to hear from you
sincerely Yours, Holger Almholt

Jeg sendte dette i maj 2022 og sendte det flere gange til to forskellige mailadresser, men uden nogen form for svar


Anne Marie H
Indlæg: 5178
Tilmeldt: søn 22-05-2005 22:17
Geografisk sted: Greve

Re: den manglende kortfunktion i Legacy

Indlægaf Anne Marie H » fre 26-08-2022 22:41

Jeg ved ikke, om Geoff har modtaget din mail, men een ting er sikkert, du vil aldrig få dem til at fortælle dig, hvad de har af udviklingsplaner for programmet.
Venlig hilsen
Anne Marie Holck (Legacy Deluxe + Windows 11)

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